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The workshop include a mix of theoretical sessions, practical demonstrations, and interactive exercises led by Sebastien Foucan. Participants would have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities, learn from Sebastien's personal insights and experiences, and receive personalized feedback and guidance. Additionally, Q&A sessions, group discussions, and networking opportunities could be incorporated to encourage an immersive and enriching experience.


"Origins": A Two-Day Journey into the Birthplace of Parkour


Step into a time machine and experience the essence of Parkour like never before. This August, join us for "Origins" – an exclusive, immersive event designed for adults with no major health issues. Embark on a transformative journey through the heart of Lisses, the birthplace of Parkour.

















Event Highlights:


- Guided Tour & Masterclass:

Led by the legendary Sébastien Foucan, immerse yourself in the rich history and evolution of Parkour.

- Old-School Training:

Experience the raw, unfiltered training methods that shaped the discipline, rooted in the Foucan method and principles for longevity.

- Anecdotes & Stories: 

Relive the early days through captivating stories and anecdotes shared by Sébastien, at iconic locations around Lisses.


Who Should Attend:

For those passionate about Parkour, eager to train old-school, and ready to delve deep into the history and philosophy of the discipline.


Event Dates:

3rd and 4th of August 2024



Lisses, France




















Don’t miss this unique opportunity to train, learn, and be inspired by one of the pioneers of Parkour. Limited spots available – secure your place now!


Embark on a journey back to the origins. Experience the essence of Parkour.

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